So this year has been a busy one. Building a new Desktop PC. Interfacing temp sensors to MQTT to Hubot then eventually to MyCroft.
Learning new languages, specifically Elixir. The instructor is being very picky with the first assignment (I have just submitted my third version) with the naming conventions. I am frustrated not by his diligence but rather my misunderstanding the document that described the conventions. Ah well – all part of the learning process.
The PC will be built over the next month. Have not done something like this in years and am very grateful to for the help in confirming the ability of the parts to fit together and how much power it will take to run the configuration. The video cards use quite a lot of power, like I said it has been a while since I have built one. I would also like to thank my son for helping me and the projects.
Another language I am learning is ELM. This one I am doing on my own – should be interesting. Planning to use it for a web project I am working on.
The MyCroft project is to connect and use voice to ask about the temp of the garage and various parts of the house. I also plan to add a weather station for outdoor weather information. I also want to automate other parts of the house and have voice I/O upstairs and downstairs. I hope to send messages from one to the other.
…and so ends this post